See our people freed from poverty and live in an economically prosperous, socially secured, just, and democratic system.
Organize public intellectuals so that they actively contribute in development efforts and collaborate with decision makers to bring concrete and meaningful changes in the lives of our people.
Core Values
- Social Responsibility
- Autonomy
- Commitment
- Collaboration
- Accountability
- Motivate and network intellectuals to meaningfully and collaboratively contribute in solving multifaceted social, political and economic challenges.
- Develop a sustainable and institutionalized intellectual commitment for the causes and development of our people.
President’s Message
We have started the journey from purpose to impact. As our problems are adaptive and complex, we are learning every day and we will progressively find workable solutions. Involvement of everyone at stake is essential to overcome adaptive challenges. Cultivating team spirit, volunteerism and collaborative relationship among scholars and all stakeholders is our priority. We must have a purpose when we live in this world. We need to meaningfully contribute to the development and progress of our community who have been struggling with multifaceted intricate problems. We need to give back to our community who played a decisive role to different academic, political, and economic achievements we are cherishing today.
Intellectuals should play a leading role in proposing and implementing ideas that feasibly contribute to alleviate different problems. Unless efforts are organized and coordinated, they would struggle to achieve intended purposes and impact our lives. It is high time that we carry out our social responsibility and citizenship obligations! Let us join the effort!
በህይወት ዘመኔ ሁሉ ያስተማረኝን ወገኔን ከማገልገል የላቀ የዜግነት አደራ የለኝም
Gebeyaw Tiruneh Kassa (MD, MPH, MSc)
President, Scholars Council
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Improve food and environmental security, livelihood, and well-being of the society
Culture & Tourism
Foster our culture, values, art and history
Democracy, Governance and Justice
Create a transparent, accountable and democratic governance system
Improve quality education and institutionalize relevant and socially responsive education
Finance & Economy
Create economically prosperous community
Enhance institutional capacity for a healthy society
Industry, Urban Development and Technology
Create information technology responsive industry and cities
Latest News
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Workshop on Amhara Region’s Livestock ten-year strategic plan.
The Livestock Sub-Sector of the Agriculture and Environment Cluster under Amhara Scholars Council in...